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New Zealanders' Attitudes to Animal Research in 2023

A recently conducted study reveals New Zealanders’ perspectives and knowledge on the use of animals in scientific research, testing, and teaching.

Caring for the Animals We Use in Research and Teaching

ANZCCART is the Australian & New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching. We are located in both New Zealand and Australia as two independent organisations working collaboratively with a shared vision, mission and role in society.  Our websites contain information for animal carers, animal ethics committee members, scientists, schools as well as other interested parties.

Through these websites, we hope to further the primary goals of ANZCCART which include promoting the responsible use of animals in research and teaching, and informed discussion and debate within the community regarding these matters. When viewing our websites please be mindful that legislation and some animal welfare information will differ between our countries.

Featured Initiatives


Openness Agreement

We support the Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching for New Zealand.


 Māori knowledge of animals

Teaching and learning about Māori knowledge of animals and how Māori concepts can inform animal ethics.


Three Rs Resources

Check out our resources covering the three Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement) in the use of animals in research and teaching.


ComPass Training

This free online course covers the Australian Code and NZ Guide and welfare issues relating to animal use in research and teaching.

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