About Us
ANZCCART (Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching) is two independent organisations in each of Australia and New Zealand committed to providing leadership in addressing ethical, social, cultural and scientific issues relating to the use and welfare of animals in research and teaching. We have a shared Vision, Mission and Role in society.
To be the leading source of information and advice concerning the ethical, social, cultural and scientific use of animals in research and teaching.
ANZCCART’s corporate mission and objectives are to promote:
Informed open discussion and debate within the community when considering ethical, social, cultural and scientific issues relating to the use of animals in research and teaching, by providing a neutral forum.
Excellence in the use and welfare of animals supplied for or used in research and teaching.
Responsible scientific use of animals.
The 3Rs principle of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement as they apply to the use of animals for scientific purposes.
Strategic partnerships to contribute to the education and training of scientists, students, animal care staff, members of Animal Ethics Committees, and the broader community.
ANZCCART seeks to achieve these objectives, first by providing an ongoing focus to the social, ethical, cultural and scientific issues involved, second by providing a forum for discussion of these issues and third by facilitating access to relevant specialist advice and resources. Further, through its publications and activities ANZCCART is a source of information for the general public about how animals are used in research and teaching in Australia and New Zealand.
ANZCCART New Zealand
Established as a standing committee of the Royal Society Te Apārangi, the Board of ANZCCART New Zealand comprises representatives from the research, animal welfare, animal ethics and education communities.
ANZCCART New Zealand is an advisory organisation that provides guidance and information to a wide range of stakeholders, including Animal Ethics Committees (AEC), scientists, teachers, regulatory authorities, granting agencies, government, animal welfare organisations, the media, and the general public. ANZCCART New Zealand promotes and supports the commitment to the principles embodied in the New Zealand legislation regulating the use of animals in research, testing and teaching in New Zealand (Animal Welfare Act 1999, Part 6).
Our primary aims are to:
Promote open discussions around the social license for, ethical and cultural considerations related to, and scientific validity of the use of animals in research and teaching. A pillar of this is the ANZCCART Openness Agreement on Animal Use in Research and Teaching.
Encourage the highest standards of care, consideration and responsible use of animals for research and teaching purposes. .
Act as a focal point for information and advice concerning the ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching.
Advocate for the "Three Rs" – replacement, reduction and refinement of animals in research and teaching – as a guiding principle.
Identify, enable, and enhance strategic partnerships that develop capacity by contributing to and supporting the education and training of scientists, students, and the broader community.
Support the development and inclusion of mātauranga Māori in relation to the care and use of animals in research and teaching, and alignment of policy and practice with the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
In pursuing our aims, we are guided by the following values:
Rigour: We apply rigorous standards to our discussions and recommendations, ensuring that they are based on the best available evidence and informed by the perspectives of all relevant stakeholders.
Openness: We are committed to transparency and openness in our processes, fostering an environment where challenging and informed debate can take place.
Responsiveness: We aim to respond effectively to emerging ethical, social, cultural, scientific issues and developments relating to the use and welfare of animals in research and teaching.
Inclusiveness: We actively engage with diverse stakeholders, including the research, animal welfare, and education communities, to ensure that our work is comprehensive and well-rounded.
Collaboration: We work collaboratively with various organisations, institutions, and individuals to achieve our objectives and contribute to a more responsible and compassionate future for both animals and humans.
Partnership: We support and affirm the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, including the bicultural partnership it establishes between tangata Tiriti and tangata whenua, in all our aims and work.
Our People
New Zealand Board Members:
Emeritus Professor Pat Cragg (Chair), retired, formerly University of Otago (Joined 2020)

Chair of the ANZCCART New Zealand Board since April 2020. Pat is a physiologist, and from undergraduate training, a zoologist; her research area covered cardiorespiratory function and control in health and disease; her breadth of teaching is typified as a co-editor of a long-standing physiology textbook. Prior to retirement in May 2018, she held appointments at the University of Otago, for instance as Head of Department of Physiology, Associate Dean Academic Health Sciences and Acting Dean of School of Biomedical Sciences. Pat was on the University's Animal Ethics Committee for 27 years and on the ANZCCART New Zealand Board for 18 years, with four years as Deputy Chair, as well as seven years as the NZ representative on the ANZCCART Australian Board. For many years Pat was Secretary of the Physiological Society of NZ and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Otago Medical Research Foundation (OMRF). she now Chairs the OMRF Council. From mid-April 2019 to the end of January 2022, she returned from retirement to be the Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic at the University of Otago.
Ian Saldanha (Deputy Chair), Biosecurity & Animal Welfare Advisor, Cawthron Institute (Joined 2021)

I have been involved in the lab animal industry for over 10 years. Before taking up a position at the Cawthron Institute in Nelson, I was the Head of the Animal facility at the Malaghan Institute in Wellington. This is where my passion for working with animals grew. During this time, I served on the executive committee for Australia New Zealand Laboratory Animal Association (ANZLAA) for a few years where I used this opportunity to support those that work in the animal science field and meet others from the industry. One of the highlights in my career was getting the opportunity to travel the world, visit other animal facilities, and gain an understanding about how they operate. Outside my profession I have a love for the outdoors in particular running. I enjoy travelling, meeting new people, and of course spending time with my family.
Associate Professor Sally Birdsall, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Auckland (Joined 2006)

Sally Birdsall works at the Faculty of Education and Social Work in the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau. She teaches and carries out research in science and sustainability education with a focus on pedagogy – the theories, approaches and strategies that can be used to teach and learn effectively. In her work with ANZCCART New Zealand, she has led the development of two resources for secondary students where they can learn about the way scientists work with animals to produce scientific knowledge and think critically about the interconnectedness of science and society. Sally is currently working on another project that aims to produce a resource to help students to explore Māori principles in relation to animal ethics. With Professor Georgina Tuari Stewart (Ngāti Kura, Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu, Pare Hauraki), she is working with the Science Learning Hub on material that primary and secondary students in both English-medium and kura will be able to use to deepen their understanding of mātauranga Māori and Western science perspectives about animals. Outside of work, Sally spends time with her grandchildren and working on environmental restoration projects, both in the reserve next to her house and in the community.
Dr Arnja Dale, Chief Scientific Officer, Royal New Zealand SPCA (Joined 2016)

Arnja has over 20 years working in the field of animal welfare science in New Zealand and overseas. Arnja is the Chief Scientific Officer at SPCA New Zealand. Prior to joining SPCA, Arnja was a Senior Lecturer in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law, leading numerous research projects, and also led the animal welfare investigations training programme at Unitec. She is a current member of the ANZCCART NZ, the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) and the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC). Arnja is passionate about animal welfare science and changing the hearts and minds of the next generation through evidence-based education initiatives. Arnja lives in Auckland with her husband, 3 children, and her dog and cat..
Associate Professor Justin Dean, Department of Physiology, University of Auckland (Joined 2021)

I study brain development, how it can be affected by premature birth, and ways to try to prevent or restore deficits in brain development. I was always fascinated by science, particularly the brain. I love the intellectual freedom associated with running a research laboratory and the training and teaching of younger scientists. After my PhD, my wife and I lived in Sweden and the USA as part of my postdoctoral training, and had children in those countries. Another highlight was the opportunity to return to NZ with family to start faculty research and teaching position at the University of Auckland. I am involved in coaching kids sports (cricket, netball, rugby), and also enjoy surfing, running, and cooking.
Susan Doohan, Animal Welfare Officer, AgResearch (Joined 2024)

Susan Doohan is a Massey trained veterinarian working as an Animal Welfare Officer based at AgResearch Grasslands Campus for the last 7 years. From an initial background in mixed practice, with a later focus on dairy cattle production, she enjoys getting to interact with inspiring research on a daily basis. Further education has included Massey postgraduate courses, and gaining Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists membership in Animal Welfare in 2021. Working with technicians, farm staff, and scientists from varied backgrounds and skill levels, to train them to perform research and husbandry manipulations on production species, is a strong area of interest, alongside implementation of the 3R’s.
Mr Tipene Merritt, Kaiārahi Rangahau Māori, University of Canterbury (Joined 2023)

I am the key advisor of Ko Aotearoa Tēnei (Wai 262) - Māori interests in research concerning native flora and fauna; have Governance role of an Australian Co-operative Research Centre, Future Farm Industries; and develop mutually beneficial research relationships between Māori communities and Universities. I am looking to add a Māori viewpoint and a research management perspective to the social, ethical and scientific use of animals in research and teaching. I am completing a PhD on the interface between Mātauranga Māori and the Intellectual Property Rights system. Further to this I am an active member in hapū/iwi affairs and I also practice yoga.
Dr Mike Pankhurst., Senior Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, University of Otago (Joined 2024)

Mike is reproductive biologist who specialises in the biology of the ovary and female infertility. Mike began research with animals nearly 20 years ago at the University of Tasmania during his PhD studies examining tissue repair following brain injury. Since 2011, Dr Pankhurst has been investigating female reproduction and fertility at the University of Otago, initially as a postdoctoral fellow and now as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy. Mike’s research team conducts experiments with mouse models but also makes use of alternative techniques such as human (blood) samples, tissue discarded from abattoirs, mathematical models, cell culture, protein-based research and re-analysis of historic archived tissues (microscope slides) using new technologies. Mike is passionate about using a broad range of techniques because this helps to reduce the number of experiments involving animals but also increases the breadth of knowledge gained by research. Mike is the former chair of the Animal Users Group, and a current member of the Animal Practices and Compliances Steering Group, at the University of Otago.
Stacey Parbhu, Animal Welfare Science Manager, Ministry for Primary Industries (Joined 2023)

Stacey is currently leading the Animal Welfare systems team at MPI. As part of this role, she works alongside the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) and a team of technical and science advisors to ensure good governance to support RTT activities across New Zealand. She has been active in the care of companion animals, research animal husbandry, animal project management and animal facility management in a variety of positions since 2007, including AgResearch and Massey University. In 2017, Stacey moved to Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University in Wellington, to operate their brand-new small animal facility, eventually becoming the facility manager. In 2024 Stacey finalised her master’s thesis which utilised a mouse IVF model, providing her a greater understanding of the challenges and complexities many organisations will encounter with animal replacement techniques
ANZCCART Fellow (observer) Ms Morgan Heslop, PhD student, Animal Welfare Science and Bioethics Centre, Massey University (Joined 2023)

My research expertise is in animal welfare science, and I am particularly interested in how we understand the inner lives of animals. I was inspired to pursue a career in research when I learned of an entire scientific discipline dedicated to answering questions I had been asking myself for years! What I love most is discussing welfare and ethics with people who share my enthusiasm – or who can be convinced to!
Our members (funders):
Along with Unitec|Te Pūkenga.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact ANZCCART (NZ).
History of ANZCCART
ANZCCART, the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching, was established on the 1st of January, 1993, as a result of a collaborative effort between the Australian Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ACCART, established in May 1987) and various New Zealand authorities, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (now known as the Ministry for Primary Industries) and the Royal Society of New Zealand (now Royal Society Te Apārangi). In New Zealand, this followed decades of efforts by the Society to promote and progress the humane use of animals in science. The Australia-New Zealand collaboration aimed to address the growing need for ethical and scientific guidance in the use of animals for research and teaching purposes in both countries.
In New Zealand, ANZCCART operates as a committee of the Royal Society Te Apārangi, maintaining strong connections with its Australian counterpart. New Zealand formed a standing committee of the Royal Society and joined ACCART to form ANZCCART in 1993. The joint name was to emphasise united efforts in promoting the ethical use of animals in research and teaching across both nations.This partnership has allowed the organizations to share resources, expertise, and knowledge while working towards common goals.
For a comprehensive understanding of ANZCCART's history, we recommend reading the article “Reflections on the use of animals in research, testing and teaching in New Zealand – a historical perspective.” by Dr David Bayvel et al. (2011). (PDF, 653 kb, 4 pages) This article offers valuable insights into the development of ANZCCART and the progress made over the years in improving the ethical and scientific use of animals in research, testing, and teaching in both Australia and New Zealand.
Resource links about ANZCCART and animal welfare in New Zealand
The following resources about ANZCCART and animal welfare in New Zealand are available:
Animal Research Saves Lives (ANZCCART resource) (PDF, 1.8 MB, 14 pages)
ANZCCART Annual Report (PDF, 1.5 MB, 46 pages)
Culture of Care (NAEAC guide for people working with animals in research, testing and teaching) (PDF)
The National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) website
The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) website
What is ANZCCART (2017)(ANZCCART resource) (PDF, 428 kb, 1 page)