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ANZCCART New Zealand provides a range of awards to promote professional development and to recognise those that provide an excellent service towards improving animal welfare in the context of animal use in research and teaching. There are various awards that are applicable for Animal Technicians, AEC members, Researchers, and Students (secondary and tertiary). So please take advantage of this opportunity to nominate someone or apply for an award yourself.

New Zealand AEC Member of the Year Award

This award has been created by ANZCCART to recognise the excellent service offered to Animal Ethics Committees by their members in New Zealand. As part of this award, ANZCCART provides for the recipient to the annual ANZCCART Conference.

View details of the application form and eligibility criteria below:

Nominations are now invited for submission. The deadline for nominations is 22 Apil 2025.

Award recipients

  • 2024 Dr Jim Webster (AgResearch)

  • 2023 Adrian Bibby (Victoria University of Wellington)

  • 2022 Dr Bruce Dobbs (University of Otago)

  • 2020 Ms Ali Cullum (AgResearch Ltd) and Professor Anthony Phillips (University of Auckland)

  • 2018 Dr Deborah Samson (University of Auckland) and Dr Dave Morgan (Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research)

ANZCCART Animal Care Award

ANZCCART New Zealand has established a national award to recognise the significant contribution made by individual New Zealand-based technicians and research assistants, particularly in regard to the welfare of the animals.

For more information, see the awards criteria and nomination form below:

Nominations are now invited for submission. The deadline for nominations is 22 Apil 2025.

Award recipients

  • 2024 Ms Charley Hurst (AgResearch)

  • 2023 Mr Geoff Purchas (Massey University)

  • 2022 Mr Aaron Malthus (AgResearch Ltd)

  • 2021 Mr Trevor Watson (AgResearch Ltd)

  • 2020 Ms Brittnee Southland (Massey University)

  • 2019 Mr Jaskirat Kaur (Malaghan Institute of Medical Research)

  • 2018 Technicians of the Large Animal Unit, Vernon Jansen Unit (University of Auckland)

  • 2017 Ms Stephanie Delaney (AgResearch Ltd)

ANZCCART Secondary Student Essay Competition

ANZCCART hopes to inspire students to think critically about the role animal research plays in today’s society and to engage with the difficulties that surround animal use. Building on the NCEA assessment tasks for NCEA Achievement Standards (Biology 1.2, 2.2, and 3.2), which integrates biological knowledge to develop an informed response to a socio-scientific issue, the ANZCCART New Zealand Secondary School Essay Competition is an opportunity to showcase student work developed in these modules.

Applications are now closed. Nominations will open again in 2025. First prize: $100, second prize: $75, third prize: $50. Conditions of entry and other details for the Competition can be found here:

Award recipients:

2024 First prize: Millie Ashley (Lynfield College)

Second prize: Candice Liu (St Cuthbert's College)

2023 First prize: Brier Chin (Wellington Girls' College)

Second prize: Hasnula Babaranda (James Hargest College)

2022 First prize: Oshadha Perera (Southland Boys’ High School, Invercargill)

2020 First prize: Hannah Wilson (Rudolf Steiner School) – Essay

Second prize: Shruti Sharma (Epsom Girls Grammar School)

Third prize: Devanshi Ranjan (Epsom Girls Grammar School) – Essay

Note: The views and opinions expressed in these essays are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of ANZCCART NZ.

ANZCCART Communication Competition

The purpose of the competition is to encourage thinking about communicating the role animal research and teaching plays in today’s society, in an engaging way. This competition is open to organisations and individuals, as well as tertiary and secondary education students. Entries can include: animation, painting, sculpture, music, video, presentation, dance, writing or cooking.

Applications are now closed. Nominations will open again in 2025. First prize (general entry): $100, second prize: $75, third prize: $50. First prize (Secondary school): $100. Conditions of entry and other details for the Competition can be found here:

Award recipients

  • 2020 First prize (Secondary school): Oshadha Tharuka Perera (Southland Boys’ High School)

Note: The views and opinions expressed in these communication examples are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of ANZCCART NZ.

ANZCCART School Science Fair Prize

ANZCCART will support the awarding of an ANZCCART School Science Fair Prize, with the provision of prize money for the best project where:

  1. Students have undertaken study or research on an animal-based project

  2. Animal Ethics approval has been applied for and given

  3. Correct procedures and practices have been undertaken in study

  4. Students know importance of ethics approval

Email for more information about how to get prize sponsorship.

More information about how to apply for Animal Ethics Approval for school science fair projects can be found at the National Association of Science Educators.

ANZCCART School Science Fair Award recipients:


  • NIWA Wellington Science & Technology Fair - Jedd Rix

  • Aurora Energy Otago Science and Technology Fair - Boon Franzbowden, Hebe Song, & Juliet Lyall


ANZCCART (NZ) has created a new ANZCCART board observer position for early stage researchers, to both give early stage researchers an opportunity for ANZCCART board experience, but also to inform the Board with their perspectives. The Fellowship is:

  • Award: $3k per year

  • Period: 2 years

  • Conditions: Postgraduate (within 8 years of completion of undergraduate degree) – for people in PhDs or Post Docs. This does not preclude the ability to hold a non-Fellowship position on the Board at a later date.

The Current ANZCCART (NZ) Fellow (2023-25) is: Morgan Heslop, PhD student, Massey University.

Previous ANZCCART Fellows were:

  • 2021-2023: Essie Van Zuylen, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Canterbury

ANZCCART Tertiary Essay Competition

The student winner of the inaugural 2014 ANZCCART Essay Competition was Katherine Reid (Massey University), for her essay entitled Conversations to Improve Animal Welfare in Research and Teaching.

The student winner of the 2018 ANZCCART Essay Competition was Alysha Mckeeman (University of Otago), for her essay entitled Moral Status and Obligations to Animals in Research.

The student winner of the 2019 ANZCCART Essay Competition was Caitlin Morton-Burns (University of Canterbury), for her essay entitled Openness of animal research as a limitation to scientific endeavour.

Aotearoa New Zealand John Schofield 3Rs implementation award

The principles of the 3Rs are a cornerstone of the ethical use of animals in research, testing and teaching (RTT). The Aotearoa New Zealand John Schofield 3Rs Award celebrates achievement in the development and/or implementation of the 3Rs.

John Schofield was a veterinarian with huge national and international recognition whose work focused on the welfare of animals used in research and teaching. He contributed extensively to develop new ways to advance the 3Rs, implement them in his work, and support others to do so. This award was created to recognise similar achievements by others in this important area of research, testing, and teaching. A history of the award can be found here.

The biennial award is jointly offered by the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) and the New Zealand board of the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART(NZ)).

Applications for the 2024 award cycle opened on Monday 1 July 2024 and closed on Monday 30 September 2024. 

Please read the Terms of Reference and Application Form linked below before submitting your application.

Applications or nominations should be sent as an electronic attachment (Word or PDF) to NAEAC via email at

The most recent winners of the award, in 2024, were Otago Polytechnic and Equibreed ART Ltd, for applying the Three Rs in veterinary nursing and allied animal healthcare training, and developing an in vitro model for understanding, diagnosing and reducing early embryonic death in horses.

Previous winners of the award have been:

The Aotearoa New Zealand John Schofield 3Rs implementation award is named in memory of ANZCCART (NZ) committee member Dr John Schofield. A history to the award and its precursor can be found here.

Global 3Rs Awards Programme

The Global 3Rs Awards program recognizes significant innovative contributions toward the 3Rs of animal research to advance ethical science, by any researcher in academia or industry in any area of biology. Up to four Global Awards (North America, Europe, Pacific Rim, and the Rest of World) are made in the amount of $5,000 (USD) each. Award nominations must be based on a primary research paper that advances any of the 3Rs and is published in a peer-reviewed journal in the last three (3) years. These may include modifications to existing research techniques or any innovative research approach including, but not limited to: improvements to whole-animal models, tissue-based models, molecular techniques, analytic and computational models, study design or technique refinements, and translational medicine applications. For more information see: here

The Ron Kilgour Memorial Trust Student Travel Award

The Ron Kilgour Memorial Trust (RKMT) was established as a memorial to the late Dr Ronald Kilgour to organise, promote and foster activities in relation to research and teaching in the areas of ethology, behaviour, social values and personal, social and agricultural development and associated international relations. The RKMT accepts applications from students, within New Zealand, who are currently enrolled in a graduate degree (Honours, MSc or PhD) and are studying in the area of animal behaviour and welfare. The award will provide partial or full funding to attend and present their research at a relevant congress (e.g., ISAE, IEC or similar). Selection will be based on the potential impact of the students’ research toward improving animal welfare and on financial need. The award has the following objectives:

  • To increase the profile of animal behaviour and welfare as a scientific discipline.

  • To encourage students to investigate issues in animal behaviour and welfare.

  • To provide students the opportunity to attend a conference to present their research and increase their profile by providing networking opportunities with other scientists working in the field.

Email for application details.

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