ANZCCART has a variety of resources available for teachers and students to learn about ways that animals are used in research, testing and teaching.
Teaching and learning about Māori knowledge of animals and how Māori concepts can inform animal ethics
Open-access digital resources are available on the Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao:
· Māori concepts for animal ethics.
A Māori medium e-version is also available to download:
The resources are written by Professor Georgina Tuari Stewart, a Pūtaiao education expert from AUT, and Dr Sally Birdsall, a primary science teacher educator and academic from University of Auckland.
Caring for the animals we use in research and teaching
ANZCCART has produced a resource called “Caring for the animals we use in research and teaching”. The centrepiece of this resource is a DVD which provides a series of interviews with scientists who use animals in their research. This DVD is an excellent resource for generating class discussion and debate around the use of animals in research and teaching.
The research topics discussed on the DVD are:
research into developing anti-cancer drugs (presented by Professor Bill Wilson);
genetic causes for obesity (presented by Dr Kathy Mountjoy);
the effects of pre-natal nutrition on lambs (presented by Professor Jane Harding);
the use of pain relief on farms for procedures such as castration and docking of lambs’ tails (presented by Dr Craig Johnson);
the effects of the gene kisspeptin on puberty and fertility (presented by Professor Allan Herbison);
development of the Xcluder Pest Proof Fence which is in use at Maungatautari (presented by Dr Tim Day);
legislation governing the use of animals in research and teaching (presented by Professor Don Love and Dr Sally Birdsall).
The video clips from the DVD can be downloaded by teachers from the following web link. A password will be required and will be available upon request to teachers (contact ANZCCART NZ).
A compilation of interviews on these topics, narrated by Dr Jessie Jacobsen, the 2007 MacDiarmid Young Scientist of the Year (now called the Prime Minister’s MacDiarmid Emerging Scientist of the year), is also available.
A set of activities has been developed to accompany each of the interviews for Years 9-10 students. They are designed to encourage discussion about the ways in which animals are used in research, as well as having a literacy focus. Each set of activities has links to the Nature of Science strand and to relevant contextual strands in the revised New Zealand school curriculum together with suggested ways of developing relevant key competencies.
If you would like a copy of the DVD, please contact ANZCCART NZ.
NCEA Resources
ANZCCART (NZ) has supported the development of four NCEA assessment tasks that have received the Quality Assured Assessment materials trade mark (QAAM) from the NZQA for NCEA Achievement Standards (Biology 1.2, 2.2, and 3.2), which integrates biological knowledge to develop an informed response to a socio-scientific issue. The four resources are:
Biology 1.2 (AS 90926) Animal research: What’s a life worth? – NCEA Level 1 – Internal Assessment Resource
Biology 2.2 (AS 91154) Animal research: The best thing for human medicine and animals? – NCEA Level 2 – Internal Assessment Resource
Biology 3.2 (AS 91602) Animal research: The ethics of using animals for research and teaching in New Zealand – NCEA Level 3 – Internal Assessment Resource
Biology 3.2 (AS 91602) Animal research: Predator proof fences – NCEA Level 3 – Internal Assessment Resource
Each of the tasks is available as a ‘ready to use’ package and contains:
The achievement standard
Teacher guidelines for and conditions of assessment
The assessment task
The assessment schedule
Planning notes for teachers and suggested resources
These teaching resources are not available on-line, but can be sent to teachers upon request (contact ANZCCART NZ).
A student resource to accompany these tasks, Using Animals in Science: Student Resource, is available to download here.

Three Rs Booklets
A series of booklets have been produced that illustrate how the Three Rs are being used in scientific research.
Cell-based Disease Models (replacement)
Computer Assisted Learning (replacement)
Mannequins and Dummies (replacement)
Alternatives to shellfish toxicity testing (replacement)
Fireflies to the rescue (reduction)
Mathematical models (reduction)
Tissue sharing (reduction)
Simple ingenuity (refinement)
Non-Invasive Methods (refinement)
Living syringes (refinement)
Oil emulsified gels (refinement)
Links to Other Resources
Other resources are also available here:
Using animals in science , student resource (ANZCCART publication) (PDF, 2.8 MB, 22 pages)
Animal research saves lives, questions and answers (ANZCCART resource) (PDF, 1.8 MB, 14 pages)
DEMOCS discussion game (from EdinEthics, UK website)