Information for New Zealand Media
This page provides information on recent press releases, an image database, and web resources related to the use of animals in research, testing or teaching.
Press releases
20 March 2025: ANZCCART NZ releases third annual report on Openness Agreement for animal research and teaching
20 March 2025: ANZCCART NZ responds to New Zealand's animal research statistics for 2023
10th September 2024: New animal ethics resources include Māori knowledge
8 March 2024: ANZCCART New Zealand releases second annual report on Openness Agreement for animal research and teaching
13 November 2023: New Study Reveals New Zealanders' Views on Animal Use in Scientific Research and Teaching
21 August 2023: A step forward in openness in animal research and teaching but more progress needed in Three Rs reporting: New Zealand's Animal Research Statistics of 2021
30 March 2023: ANZCCART releases first report on Openness Agreement in Animal Research and Teaching
30 May 2022: Openness on use of animals in research testing and teaching statistics
27 July 2021: Science organisations pledge openness in animal research and teaching in New Zealand
1 September 2017: New resources highlight innovative ways to replace, reduce and refine the use of animals in research
21 May 2024: Submission to the Science System Advisory Group - First Phase
Image database for the use of animals in research, testing or teaching
An image database featuring copyright free images of animals suitable for use in stories on animal use in testing, teaching and research is available through the Understanding Animal Use website (UK based). This website also contains a number of resources on the use of animals in research.
Understanding Animal Research (UK website)
Animal Welfare Act 1999 (Parliamentary Council Office website)
Guide to the Animal Welfare Act (Ministry for Primary Industries website)
The National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee (NAEAC) website
The National Animal Welfare Committee (NAWAC) website
Alt web (resource database hosted by Johns Hopkins University)
Annual Report (PDF, 1.5 MB, 46 pages)